Shannon Marie Esoteric

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Where Did My Intuition Go?

What to Do When Your Intuition Goes Silent

Everyone can tell you how important it is to “listen to your gut,” or to “follow your intuition,” but what do we do when our intuition is silenced? 

And, of course, it always seems like our intuition goes quiet on us at the most inopportune times. 

In the middle of a huge project. 

When we’re going through a break up. 

When we’re stressed beyond belief. 

So, how do we get our intuition to begin speaking to us again?

Understanding Why Intuition Goes Quiet

In order to fix our intuition, we must first understand the reason behind why it seems to disappear sometimes. 

To be clear, our intuition never goes anywhere, it’s always with us. When we’re unable to tap in, it usually says a lot more about us than it does about how our internal navigation system is working. 

Stress, overwhelm, disconnect from our body, and where we place our focus all play a role in us feeling separated from our gut instincts. 

When we’re stressed out and overwhelmed, we have so much going on around us that it’s nearly impossible to quiet our minds enough to be able to connect with our inner knowing.

Since intuition can show up as physical sensations, when we’re disconnected from ourselves physically, it can make it very easy to overlook the subtle queues our intuition is sending us. 

When we’re focused on the world outside of us, being inundated with external stimuli, people pleasing, or living with perfectionist tendencies can distance us from our internal compass. 

Fixing the Blockages and Getting Your Intuition Back Online

It’s important when we’re feeling disconnected in this way to get back in touch with ourselves as soon as possible. 

First of all, you should give yourself a pat on the back, as you’re already doing the work considering you are self aware enough to recognize your intuition is lagging. 

After doing that, you’ve already taken the first steps to reconnection. 

Our intuition is quiet, and in order for us to be able to perceive what it is trying to tell us, we must quiet our minds and bodies as well. Your intuition lives in your internal world, so how would we ever be able to access it effectively without being in touch with that side of ourselves?

Sometimes, simple things like taking ten minutes to meditate can be a great help to get you feeling connected again. Other times, we may need to do a bit more to reconnect. 

Another step you can take would be to take a social media/internet detox, even if it’s just for a few hours. Stepping away from the screens and turning your focus inward can help you reclaim your knowing. 

Most importantly, be sure you’re asking for guidance. 

After you ask, be sure you have the time to sit quietly in solitude to listen for the answer. If it doesn’t come right away, that’s okay. 

Keep working with it, but not to the point of stressing yourself out even more. Take solace in the fact that our intuition and our internal guidance is always with us. 

Though there are numerous reasons why this disconnect can happen, it should break you peace knowing that it is well within your capacity to fix it. 

In due time, by making some small changes to the way you think, act, and interact with yourself, you’ll be intuiting again without issue.